|03 Dec 2018|Klaus Leopold

New Version of TWiG in 6 Languages


TWiG 1.5 is done. The biggest highlight right away: The simulation is now available in 6 languages (English, French, German, Italian, Polish and Russian) and the seventh language (Spanish) is Work in Progress. Many thanks to the TWiG Community for your support!
In addition to the languages there are a few smaller and bigger changes like for example we change the WIP limit in the simulation and there’s a bit happening concerning metrics. I would recommend every TWiG user to switch to the new version.
I would like to thank all the people who are willing to contribute to TWiG and post their experiences and suggestions for improvement in our Slack Channel. THANK YOU! A special thank you also goes to the following people:

So then, download TWiG 1.5, print it out, cut it to size and get started…

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