|07 Aug 2017|Klaus Leopold

Kanban at Porsche Informatik


[section_dd][column_dd span=’12’][text_dd]I am always pleased to get feedback on the work I have done with clients. After we sent out our July Newsletter, Anton Spitzer from Porsche Informatik in Salzburg contacted us. His colleague, Oliver Bonrad, wrote an article about how Porsche Informatik uses Kanban. I supported their Kanban implementation with several workshops, so I would like to thank Oliver for mentioning this!

In the first part, Oliver discusses how the board at Porsche Informatik is structured. He also discusses how working with Kanban affected communication and, as a consequence, how quickly problems were resolved. Because the Kanban board has been in use since 2015, there will be a continuation of this article. Has it changed? How has it changed?  And is anybody even still working with it? Oliver will be answering these questions in the next part.[/text_dd][callout_box_dd title=’Kanban at Porsche Informatik’ button_text=’Read the Article’ button_size=’large’ button_color=’light’ button_style=’normal’ button_url=’’ button_target=’_blank’]Mastering everyday chaos? You can with Kanban!
Kanban is proving its worth in the Infrastructure and Common Platforms domain.[/callout_box_dd][/column_dd][/section_dd]

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