|21 Mar 2018|Klaus Leopold

TWiG V1.4 released


Something is happening in the TWiG country. I have just released version 1.4 . You can download it from the TWiG website.
In addition to smaller bug fixes, there are two major changes: (1) Thanks to Florian Meyer, there is a facilitator’s guide, which greatly helps with the simulation setup and (2) the Realization Time Scatterplot has been modified – now we have days on the X axis.
I am more and more coming to believe that it was a great idea to release TWiG as a Creative Commons. I got a lot of valuable feedback and people have already started enriching the simulation with their own ideas and add-ons. These community updates will be included in a community folder as of the next release.
Thank you, to all contributors! I love community! 🙂

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