|10 Aug 2017|Klaus Leopold

Practical Kanban – Chapter 5: From Prioritization to Risk Assessment


[section_dd][column_dd span=’12’][text_dd]Chapter 5 of my book, Practical Kanban, has now been published. Only one chapter left to publish and the book will be complete. Hooray!

What is Chapter 5 going about? Generally speaking, you could probably say it discusses prioritization. To be more precise however, it deals with how you fill your system with new work. You know the routine: The Option Pool is filled with great ideas and finally a piece of work is finished, making space available for a new piece work. Fantastic! But which piece of work should you start on? The reality is that there are often heated discussions amongst the stakeholders about which piece of work is most important. In Chapter 5, I’ll show you how to have these discussions on an objective and economical basis. I discuss how you can determine a sequence of execution for your work using quantification and Cost of Delay. I’ll also show you other risk-based tools that are available in order to determine what should be worked on next.

Practical Kanban – From Team Focus to Creating Value is available on Leanpub.[/text_dd][button_dd text=’Get the book’ size=’xlarge’ color=’light’ style=’normal’ url=’ ‘ target=’_blank’][/button_dd][/column_dd][/section_dd]

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